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    Monehhhh !
    Friday, June 24, 2011 5:16 PM
    MONEH (MONEY) !!!

    NOW !!

    YES ! NOW !

    Damn it ! Why the PTPTN haven't get the money into my account ! Aiks..
    wait .. wait .. and wait ..
    I'm gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~

    Friday, June 10, 2011 1:30 AM
    "原谅别人等于放过自己" (Forgiving is the way to save yourself from hatred) is commonly said. But how many person can really do it when it really comes to them ?

    They ...

    betray ...

    put on slur ...

    taking of advantages ...

    hurt ...

    and many more.

    How much of impact can you take and to what extend you can simply forgive them just by a word "sorry" or even without ?

    I'd personally accept any of it if doesn't go down to my baseline but ends up I'm just another clown or punching bag showing my stupidity . Hence, I upright my stand not to compromise easily but somehow I still merely request just a "sorry" . Do I greedy ? Some said I shouldn't, no matter how they're still friends .
    You know what ?
    You're not me, you know what I feel ? You know what I think ?
    You could never imagine the hard time I've gone through . Please shut up !

    I'll still remain my stand cause felt it nothing wrong, i think.


    Fass & etc
    Saturday, June 4, 2011 1:01 AM
    I don't fucking give a damn you fass. As if you don't appreciate what I've done then it's fine.

    2 times .. I told him 2 times that there are dirt on the table he didn't say thank for remind but said to the other that told him after I told.. Never mind ~ I was then kidding ask why he didn't say to me and he fucking telling me that is face problem.. fine ! I take it easy as a joke too..

    The next day I was helping out something that supposed is his job to be done. I moved pot aside as it's kinda impede the work. Later I told him that I moved it aside and guess what now. He gave me that god damn poker face and didn't give me a respond.. I was wondering how great he is as his job is mostly done by all helpers. I don't say that I help it much but what I had seen is when the helper is helping he was hanging around a did something non-related to his working scope. LMAO What a great person having a suppose-to-have-attitude ? fuck off please.

    Another person that's so pretending.. Trying to be nice when needing help after that showing me ur ignorance face? cheh ! You might be a good person to other me not to be. Get the hell way and die please.

    Sorry for the anger post, I was trying forget it but I couldn't . I need to find way to release !

    Yes to blog or No ?
    Wednesday, June 1, 2011 12:03 AM

    Hah ! Been AGES didn't blog already. It's totally no at all! Even Miss Ho can laugh at me now =(

    Anyway.. Now finally I picked up my mood to have this post done ! Wee !

    p/s: can you feel the happiness? hah !

    It's like free from jail after the freaking torturestressing-exam had gone far from me!

    Let's forget about the sick stuffs. You'll never imagine how my life since after the moment i step out from the exam hall.. Seriously it's sooooooooooo FUN.....but tiring hah !

    I went Ipoh, Pulau Pangkor, Pulau Pinang and Genting Highland in A WEEK and nonstop hanging out with friends =D

    Firstly, went Ipoh for Anna's birthday party as I promised her few months back with Poh Yin . The next day is for the wedding dinner of my cousin at Pulau Pangkor. I slept less then 3 hours that night then dragged to the island already. >< Rest for 2 days then the next stop is Penang Island ! Met Joy =D and Horng there. <3 the chat with Joy and thanks Horng for bringing me to Hard Rock Hotel ! It's the very first time I been there .. Stayed there for 3 days then heading to Genting Highland the next day after back to home less than 12 hours .. OFFICIALLY , I can finally legally enter into the casino ! BUT HELL I lost rm160 there =( eff it ! and ya.. will never forget the moment when playing roller coaster with Tshuan ! HAHAHAHA ! You'll just laugh ur ass off if you're there =P

    AT LAST ! I'm finally homed =D *winks*

    but still I got my activities ! This week will be helping out in the Buddhist Camp .. ( I'm like playing there rather than helping but yea, still help a bit laaaa )

    Okay. End it here. It's kinda miracle that I actually update the blog. Look at the date of the previous post ! XD